ELGA LabWater – PURELAB® – flex 2 Polisher


    DKSH New Zealand Limited
    72 Apollo Drive
    0632 Mairangi Bay, Auckland
    New Zealand

    0800 951 010


  • PURELAB® Brochure – ELGA

Reliable Delivery of Ultrapure Type I Water Purity

The award-winning PURELAB flex 2 system provides perfect water purity for analytical and life science applications which require RO type III water up to ultrapure type I (18.2 MΩ.cm) water. It allows you to focus on routine test work without concern about the water quality affecting test results.

Technical Specifications

Dispense flowrateUp to 2.0 l/minUp to 2.0 l/minUp to 2.0 l/min
Inorganics (resistivity at 25°C)As per feedwater18.2 MΩ.cm18.2 MΩ.cm
Organics (TOC)Dependant on feedwaterDependant on feedwater<5 ppb
Bacteria<0.1 CFU/ml *<0.1 CFU/ml *<0.001 CFU/ml *
Bacterial endotoxinN/A<0.001 EU/ml *<0.001 EU/ml *
pHEffectively neutralEffectively neutralEffectively neutral
Silica<2 ppm<2 ppm<2 ppm
DNaseN/AN/A<5 pg/ml
RNaseN/AN/A<1 pg/ml
Daily usage (max)100 l/day100 l/day100 l/day
Daily usage (min)1 l/day1 l/day10 l/day
Delivery flow rateUp to 2 l/minUp to 2 l/minUp to 2 l/min
*With POU filter fitted

Key Features

PURELAB® flex 2 Polisher

  • Real-time TOC
  • Fully re-circulating
  • Customize settings
  • Integrated filtration
  • Adjustable dispensing
  • Guaranteed water purity Full recirculation through the UV lamp and purification pack right to the point of use for peace of mind.
  • Intuitive flexible dispense Clearwater purity display for absolute confidence as you dispense.
  • Real-time TOC monitoring Provides complete confidence in organic purity by reducing the level of organics for critical applications.
  • Easy to maintain Easy access to the consumables through the front door panels mean that maintenance time is reduced, with less disruption to your work.
  • Data Capture Download all of the data to USB for system performance validation.

Ideally Suited For: Mass Spectrometry, Molecular biology, Electrochemistry, Atomic Spectroscopy, Liquid Chromatography, Gas Chromatography, Immunochemistry, Spectrophotometry, Media / Buffer prep, General Chemistry

Process Flow PURELAB Flex 2

ELGA – PURELAB Flex Series


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