Curiox – Laminar Wash Auto 1000 System


    DKSH New Zealand Ltd.
    94 Apollo Drive, Rosedale,
    Auckland 0632, New Zealand

    0800 951 010 (hotline)


  • Laminar Wash™ AUTO1000 System Brochure

Accelerate high-throughput flow and mass cytometry workflows with fully automated sample preparation.

The Laminar Wash AUTO 1000 System eliminates time-consuming and labor-intensive manual pipetting and handling by automating the complete surface and intracellular staining workflow for flow and mass cytometry. You get all the benefits of laminar washing in a completely automated system.

Technical Specifications

Voltage Requirements100-240V
Power Consumption+42V/5.0A
Dimensions89 cm H x 71 cm W x 136 cm D
35.0 in H x 27.9 in W x 53.5 in D
Weight120kg (264.5 lbs)

Key Features

Auto 1000

  • The same data quality, cell retention, cell viability, and reproducibility benefits of the HT2000 and Mini systems
  • A pre-programmed, ready-to-use solution covering the entire sample prep workflow
  • An intuitive user interface that is easily programmed for those new to automation as well as automation experts
  • Electronic files that can track and trace samples
  • The reduction in operator-to-operator variability that automation provides

AUTO1000: Automate Your Cell Staining Workflow


Curiox Biosystems

Curiox was founded in 2008 to commercialize DropArray™ technology, which was initially developed by Namyong Kim, PhD and his group at the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (IBN), a part of A*STAR. The venture was backed by Nanostart AG and Exploit Technologies, the commercialization arm of A*STAR.

We look forward to ushering in the next generation of innovations that accelerate the pace of life science research, diagnostics, and therapeutics discovery and development.

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